Feeling Depressed, Down, or Hopeless?

Feeling down is never enjoyable and can often feel like you're stuck in a rut or unable to find motivation. Regardless of the cause, whether it be something that happened, a result of depression, or just waking up on the wrong side of the bed, there are things you can do to help feel better.

Taking Some Time

Giving yourself some time to feel whatever you're feeling is always a good first tsep to overcoming feelings of sadness. Take a moment to breathe and allow yourself to cry or let out whatever emotions you're feeling. Bottling up feelings like this is never a good thing and more often than not just leads to you feeling worse in the long run, so getting it all out before going on with your day can be a beneficial idea.

Understand what made you sad, but don't let yourself get stuck on it. Ruminating on bad feelings isn't going to do anything and will just lead to you feeling sadder.

Now, unless there's somthing urgent going on that needs your immediate attention, take a break. Do something nice for yourself, and don't force yourself to be in a better mood or do anything you don't think you can handle.

Know that this feeling is temporary, so just take it day by day. And from us here at unIQue, know that we think you're doing amazing!

Self Care

Do something nice for yourself. Whether it be something small or bigger, taking a moment for self-care is a proven way to lift your spirits. It may be hard to find motivation to do much of anything right now, but if you're able to, here are some small things you can do to start feeling better.

Taking a shower, washing your face, or putting on some more comfortable clothes can be the first step in feeling better. Your mental and physical health are deeply connected, so doing something to make your body feel better can also improve your mental health.

Get some food. Whether this is a small smack, something you've been craving for a while, or a full meal, getting some good food in your body can also help improve your mood. If you're looking for reccomendations on meals you can eat, we have some linked here. Here

Do something fun. This could be an indoor activity like watching TV or playing a game, or maybe going out and doing something if you feel up for it.

Reaching Out

Reaching out to people in times of need can be difficult, but it does help. Talking about how you feel, or even just something else to get your mind off of it is a valuable thing, so if you can, we reccomend finding someone you can talk to.

Sorting out your thoughts can be beneficial. Finding out exactly why you're feeling the way you are and what that is goes a long way to figure out what will help you. If you don't feel like talking to anybody about this, talk about something else. Maybe a TV show, movie, book you've been reading, or anything else that can get your mind off of your feelings.

If you don't have anyone to talk to or you're unable to, write it down. Journaling your thoughts may seem silly at first, but it's been proven to effectively help in managing tough emotions. Just getting your thoughts out and onto paper can be a vital step in processing them.

Know that there are people in your life who want to help. Feeling down and needing some support does not make you a burden. Sadness can make you feel alone, isolated, or like nobody is there, but its untrue.

If you're having any thoughts of harming yourself or others, click the support link for further help and support.

No matter what you're feeling or why, remember that you are not alone. What you're feeling is completely valid and there are people who are there for you and want to help. Take it one step at a time and know that you will overcome this feeling.